Antimicrobial Usage; Call for Experts

GLOBAL - Joint FAO/WHO/OIE Expert Consultation on Non-human Antimicrobial Usage and Antimicrobial Resistance, 1-5 December 2003.
calendar icon 25 September 2003
clock icon 3 minute read
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The use of antimicrobials is essential for animal health and human health as well. Nevertheless it is well recognized that the issues of antimicrobial use and misuse are of global concern. Considering that antimicrobial usage and resistance is a multifactorial problem and thus requires a multidisciplinary approach, the Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, in its 48th session (see Annex), recommended that FAO, WHO and OIE should give consideration to convening a multidisciplinary expert consultation to advise the Commission on possible directions to be taken. All issues of antimicrobials in agriculture and veterinary use (including aquaculture) should be considered and the role played by antimicrobials as essential human and veterinary medicines should be taken into account.


To present and discuss scientific findings and for scientific consensus on issues regarding health aspects of antibiotic resistance and antibiotic usage in animal and agriculture production and on how to address the multidisciplinary topic of AMR. The risk analysis framework should be used.

The goal of this scientific analysis;

  1. to identify current and potential future hazards to public health, and to the extent possible, determine the magnitude of the risk, and the benefits of antimicrobial usage;
  2. to provide information allowing to prioritize the different issues requiring effective intervention.
This scientific step is the unique prerequisite for a joint management of the situation by FAO, WHO and OIE as well as for advising on the potential building blocks of an efficient system to address these issues within Codex and OIE.

Call for experts

We are seeking specialists in the following areas to participate in a variety of activities required for the provision of this scientific advice in 2003 and 2004:
  • food microbiology,
  • clinical microbiology,
  • epidemiology,
  • mathematical modelling,
  • public health,
  • primary food technology,
  • veterinary medicine,
  • animal feeding practice, and
  • risk assessment, particularly in relation to antimicrobial risk assessment.
The specialists may be involved in:
  1. preparing the background paper prior to the scientific meeting (Dec 2003) as drafting group members:
  2. reviewing the work of drafting groups: and/or
  3. participation in expert consultations.

Further Information

- Call for experts (pdf)
- Request for information (pdf)

Source: World Health Organization - 24th September 2003

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