BSE & Offspring Cull Compensation

UK - Joint announcement by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the National Assembly for Wales.
calendar icon 2 March 2004
clock icon 2 minute read

Revised compensation rates applicable to the above schemes and effective for the month of March 2004 are as follows:-

1: BSE Compensation

Compensation payable for an animal slaughtered because it is suspected of being affected by BSE is an amount equal to the lower of either the market value of the animal or the indicative market price (IMP).

This will be up to a maximum of:

  • 3412 if BSE is confirmed by post mortem
  • 3515 if BSE is not confirmed

2: BSE Offspring Cull Compensation

Compensation will be made in accordance with the following table:

Table - Valuation For March 2004
Compensation stated is based on the Indicative Market Price (IMP) for MARCH 2004

Basic compensation rates will change monthly, by the same percentage as the IMP.

OTMS - The maximum amount payable for animals under the OTMS. Rates change monthly.

Source: Defra - 2nd March 2004
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