China to Closely Monitor Feed Production Process to Ensure Safety of Feed Products

CHINA - China's Ministry of Agriculture has recently issued directives to relevant authorities and organizations throughout the country to closely monitor the quality and production process of animal feed and feed additives production in order to combat the illegal use of clenbuteral and other banned drugs in feed production. These measures to ensure safety standards of animal feed production will be a nationwide effort.
calendar icon 27 October 2004
clock icon 3 minute read

Specifically, the directive, which was issued to all regulatory authorities overseeing feed production in all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, called for a strict enforcement of the existing rules and regulations which prohibit the use of clenbuteral and other banned drugs in animal feed production.

Government regulatory authorities and product quality control departments will conduct routine checks in feed mills and draw random samples of feed products for laboratory analysis. Under this nationwide program to ensure the safety and quality of feed products, all feed production processes, business management procedures, the quality of feed additives and drinking water supplied to farm animals will be closely monitored.

Feed millers found to have flouted the rules governing the safety and quality of feed products will face severe punishment. The authorities will also undertake investigations for the source of banned drugs for feed production in the country.

Feed enterprises will have their business license revoked and face legal proceedings if their feed products fail to meet safety standards, or if they are found to have used banned drugs in their feed production.

The directive also stipulates that regulatory bodies will be responsible for conducting routine checks on feed production processes in feed mills. They will also ensure that these feed mills conform to the rules governing fire safety, as well as the proper storage of flammable objects, feed additives and drugs to prevent incidences of chemical poisoning.

Source: eFeedLink - 27th October 2004

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