United Kingdom Slaughter Statistics - January 2006

UK - This publication by Defra shows various statistics obtained from surveys of slaughterhouses run in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
calendar icon 19 January 2006
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This publication shows various statistics obtained from surveys of slaughterhouses run in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. They are based on data from all slaughterhouses but remain provisional until all the returns are in.

The statistics are shown in statistical months - that is, statistics for January, April, July, and October are for periods of five weeks while statistics for other months are for periods of four weeks, with the exception of 2004 which is a 53 week statistical year where December 2004 statistics are for a 5 week month.

In this issue:

  1. UK monthly slaughter estimates.
  2. UK monthly average dressed carcase weights.
  3. UK monthly home-killed production of meat.
  4. UK average weekly slaughter estimates.
  5. UK slaughterings by country.
  6. UK quarterly production and supplies of meat.

1. UK monthly slaughter estimates

Monthly estimates of the number of cattle, sheep and pigs slaughtered for meat in the United Kingdom are given in the table below. They are shown in statistical months.

United Kingdom October 2005
5 weeks
November 2005
4 weeks
December 2005
4 weeks
Clean Pigs 879 742 708
Sows and Boars 16 14 11
Thousand head

A dataset showing slaughter statistics for the same months in previous years can be found on the Defra
website at http://statistics.defra.gov.uk/esg/datasets/slaughm.xls (Excel format).

2. UK average dressed carcase weights

The surveys of slaughterhouses also collect information on the meat produced which enables average dressed carcase weights to be calculated. Monthly average dressed carcase weight for livestock slaughtered for meat in the United Kingdom are given in the table below.

United Kingdom October 2005 November 2005 December 2005
Clean Pigs 75.1 75.5 74.7
Sows and Boars 154.8 151.8 155.5

Livestock slaughtered under the Over Thirty Month Scheme are excluded.
A dataset showing slaughter statistics for the same months in previous years can be found on the Defra
website at http://statistics.defra.gov.uk/esg/datasets/alldcw.xls.

3. UK monthly home-killed production of meat

The surveys of slaughterhouses also collect information on the meat produced. This enables the total quantity of meat produced in the United Kingdom to be calculated. Home-killed production includes livestock imported into the United Kingdom for slaughter and differs from home-fed production (see Table 6) which excludes livestock imported into the United Kingdom for slaughter. The figures are shown in statistical months.

United Kingdom October 2005
5 weeks
November 2005
4 weeks
December 2005
4 weeks
Beef 73 68 60
Mutton and Lamb 34 30 27
Pigmeat 68 58 55
Thousand tonnes

Livestock slaughtered under the Over Thirty Month Scheme are excluded.

4. UK average weekly slaughterings

The monthly figures shown in Table 1 are affected by the number of weeks in the month. In order to provide a better, and more immediately accessible to readers, measure of trends over time, the following tables show average weekly slaughterings for each of the last twelve months. Longer time series are shown in the charts.

2004 2005
(Thousand Head) Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Clean Pigs 178 178 173 174 162 167 166 172 167 171 176 176 185
Sows and Boars 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4
Thousand head

Further Information

To read the full report, please click here (PDF Format)

Source: Defra - 19th January 2006

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