Poland Plans to Expand Exports of Pork to the Far East Countries

POLAND - On February 16, 2006, Japan opened its market to Polish pork. It is estimated that in 2006, exports of Polish pork to Japan could reach 50,000 MT. Poland has already been exporting pork to South Korea and is looking to enter the Chinese pork market.
calendar icon 7 March 2006
clock icon 3 minute read
Foreign Agricultural Service

On February 16, 2006, Japan opened its market to unprocessed Polish pork products. The Polish Veterinary Service is currently auditing meat establishments which want to export pork to Japan. Sixty establishments have applied for permission to do so and several have been approved by the Polish Veterinary Service.

Poland is already exporting pork to South Korea (6,230 metric tons in the first eleven months of 2005). According to industry sources and press publications, Polish companies will shortly start to export pork to the Japanese market. Japanese importers reportedly are interested in Polish pork loins, bellies and shoulders. The major Polish pork exporting companies (Sokolow, Animex and Duda) are planning to start shipping to Japan in April 2006. It is estimated that Poland may export up to 50,000 metric tons of pork to Japan in 2006. Polish pork will directly compete against U.S., Dutch and Canadian pork on the Japanese market.

According to an Animex representative (four Animex plants applied for eligibility to export pork to Japan), his company will not have any problems meeting the high quality standards of the Japanese market. According to the representative, Japanese customers demand precise weight and fat content of pork cuts and Japan is a market of tremendous potential for firms that are able to supply large shipments of very precisely prepared pork products.

Poland is also looking for opportunities to ship pork to China but so far without success. Russia’s ban in mid-November 2005, of imports of Polish meat and plant products is driving local producers to aggressively seek out new market opportunities. Recent negotiations between Polish and Russian veterinary authorities were unsuccessful and it is uncertain when the Russian market will re-open to Polish meat products.

Source: USDA Foreign Agricultural Service - 3rd March 2006

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