Pig Prices Creep Up As Market Tightens

UK - Prices have started to harden despite the disruption to slaughtering during Easter.
calendar icon 19 April 2006
clock icon 2 minute read

The DAPP at 100.13p/kg deadweight is languishing around the 100p threshold, but some spot buyers of bacon pigs have offered prices of up to 103p/kg.

Most are still trading in the 100–102p/kg area.

Slightly more demand was noted for lighter cutters - worth between 106–109p/kg - which are following High Street trends of better beef and lamb prices.

Pigmeat imports are posing less of a threat with the EU “Big 6” Producer Price Average of 99.6p/kg within a whisker of the latest GB Euro DAPP quoted at 99.8p.

After allowing for freight costs of between 3-4p/kg some imported pigmeat is now more expensive than the UK equivalent.

Cull sow quotes have lost ground because of the CSF situation in Germany, but most sellers were able to agree prices in the 80–84p/kg range.

Source: FWi

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