PorkBridge: An Educational Series for Grow-Finish Pork Producers, Owners, Workers, and Managers

US - Don’t have a lot of time to attend a seminar or conference, but still interested in gaining knowledge in grow-finish pork production? A new educational series, entitled “PorkBridge“, allows pork production owners, managers and employees in Nebraska , Iowa , Minnesota and South Dakota to participate in conference calls every other month while viewing presentations on their computers, beginning in December 2005.
calendar icon 24 May 2006
clock icon 3 minute read

Offered as a two-state pilot program to a limited audience last year in Ohio and Nebraska, coordinator Mike Brumm of the University of Nebraska said PorkBridge was expanded to provide desired information to more people involved in pork production. The program combines electronic information viewed on computer with live oral presentations via phone by experts in the topic areas. The week before each session, subscribers will receive a CD containing that session’s topic-specific presentation, along with a short homework assignment and information on accessing the live speaker presentation. Each session is one hour in length, beginning either at noon or 7 p.m. Session times will be filled on a first-come, first-filled basis.

“PorkBridge focuses on providing timely, relevant and accurate information on six specific topics to people who own or work in swine grow-finish facilities,” Brumm said. “We know that producers in the Midwest want this type of information and this program helps us deliver it literally to their door step.”

Cost for participating in this subscription-only series is $125, which covers materials and phone calls for all six sessions. The program runs from December 2005 through October 2006. Session dates, speakers, their university affiliations and topics are as follows.

  • Dec. 8, 2005 Mike Brumm, University of Nebraska , Impact of out-of-feed events and water restrictions on grow-finish performance

  • Feb. 9, 2006 Locke Karriker, Iowa State University , The basics of on-farm necropsy

  • April 6, 2006 Rick Stowell, University of Nebraska , The basics of ventilation controllers

  • June 1, 2006 Robert Thaler, South Dakota State University , Keeping pigs eating in hot weather

  • Aug. 3, 2006 Alex Ramirez, Iowa State University , The basics of grow-finish biosecurity

  • Oct. 5, 2006 Lee Johnston, University of Minnesota , Animal welfare considerations in grow-finish facilities

Mark Whitney of the University of Minnesota is the series leader and will be the moderator for all sessions. Those interested in registering can print off and fill out the PorkBridge registration form. To learn more, individuals can call their state contact. In Nebraska , people should call Brumm at 402-584-3816. Iowa residents should call Ken Stalder at (800) 808-7675. In Minnesota , call Whitney at 507-389-5541. In South Dakota , call Thaler at 605-688-5011.

Register Now!

Source: University of Minnesota Swine Extension - 23rd May 2006

University of Minnesota Swine Extension
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