Animal activists claims against a NSW pig farm cleared by NSW RSPCA
AUSTRALIA - Australia's pig farmers, through their national representative body Australian Pork Limited, have welcomed the news that the NSW RSPCA has cleared the property in the Young district of New South Wales of any wrong doing relating to the welfare of their pig herd.
The news of the farm being cleared was mentioned yesterday by NSW RSPCA Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bernie Murphy on ABC Country Hour. The claims of cruelty and mistreatment of the pigs were initially made to NSW police in Young following a farm invasion by animal activists back in early July. The police involved the NSW RSCPA as part of their overall investigations into these claims. Police are yet to conclude their report on this case.
Australian Pork Limited CEO Andrew Spencer said it again shows, like the recent raids carried out in South Australia, these random acts of property invasion do nothing to responsibly address or make a positive contribution to potential issues relating to animal welfare.
"It is quite clear these indiscriminate farm raids are nothing but stunts designed to grab media attention.
"As in South Australia and also in this instance, it makes you suspect what the motivation of these people is and whether the well being of the animals is a primary concern. If this had been the case, responsible people would have gone immediately to the relevant authorities to report their concerns. Instead they waited up to 7 weeks before they registered their complaint.
"If Mr Pearson, along with his fellow activists, truly believed in their convictions, they would stand up and be counted. Instead they are hiding behind cloak and dagger, after dark illegal raids on unsuspecting law abiding rural farmers.
"By virtue of their actions these people demonstrate a lack of responsibility in behaving this way. All they are pushing is their extremist personal agendas.
Mr Spencer said he was very pleased to hear that the farm concerned in this investigation has been exonerated by the RSPCA from these alleged claims.
"Through the new draft Model Code of Practice for Animal Welfare - Pigs, Australian pig producers are demonstrating their responsibility and commitment to improvement to welfare standards in their industry. We will always argue for better welfare but at the end of the day we are bound by the laws of the day.
"Stunts like the ones Mr Pearson and his associates pull do not serve any purpose in the constructive improvement and well being of animals in our industry."
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