Provincial Gov Hold Meeting On Undiagnosed Porcine Disease In China

CHINA - Yesterday, the Hubei provincial government held an urgent, province-wide videoteleconference on prevention and control of serious animal diseases, demanding fast action from all parts of the province, paying special attention to prevention and control work against the unknown pig high fever illness, to ensure increased agricultural efficacy and increased farmer receipts, according to Suizhou Daily News.
calendar icon 5 September 2006
clock icon 3 minute read

Since the middle of July 2006, an unknown pig disease has occurred in the neighboring provinces of Anhui, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hunan and Henan, and other areas. Already 40 percent of pigs have died from infection.

As of mid-August this disease had already spread to parts of Hubei. Conditions are relatively serious. According to reports, the pig disease is characterized by high fever, sudden onset, rapid transmission, and high mortality rate.

Municipal Government Secretary Yan Xinguo participated in the conference. He requested all districts of the city to heighten awareness, formulate vigorous measures, organize with utmost care, strengthen monitoring, and pay attention to disease trends at all times. Relevant departments must carry out legal inspections of pig transports and conscientiously strengthen the intensity of inspections at border inspection spots.

Animal husbandry and other relevant departments must strengthen market supervision, firmly deal with disease, and strengthen oversight against disease during production, slaughter and sale. Once high fever pig illness of unknown origin is discovered, immediately file reports, quickly undertake safe disposal, strictly disinfect, work hard against the sale of dead diseased pigs and pigs that have died of unknown causes, and ensure the safety of meat on the market.

Relevant departments must suspend purchase of pigs from disease-affected areas to prevent the spread of pig disease. While prevention and control of unknown high fever pig disease is being accomplished, strictly watch for other animal diseases and thoroughly plan prevention and control work for other serious animal diseases. Organize specialized teams to supervise disease inspection to ensure substantial progress on disease prevention in the fall.

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