Pork Interpretive Gallery Announces Change of Operations

CANADA - Dr. John Patience, President of the Prairie Swine Centre, and Neil Ketilson, General Manager, Saskatchewan Pork Development Board (Sask Pork) wish to announce the transfer of management of the Pork Interpretive Gallery (P.I.G.) to Sask Pork.
calendar icon 13 October 2006
clock icon 3 minute read

As part of the development of the PSC Elstow Research Farm, a subsidiary of Prairie Swine Centre (PSC), the industry requested the barn provide a way for the general public to view modern pork production from a vantage point inside a barn. To this end a novel "gallery" approach was built into the barn design. John Patience sums up the industry reaction, "Throughout the two years of development and fundraising, and the most recent three years of operating the Pork Interpretive Gallery (P.I.G.), I have never been involved with a project which achieved and sustained so much grass roots support. Pork producers speak of this project with great pride and admiration, matched only by the enthusiastic comments we continually receive from people who have toured the facility."

With financial and in-kind support from the pork industry, PSC has successfully operated the P.I.G. for the past three years. The gallery is a unique public communications vehicle and will now be an in-house project for Sask Pork. This will allow PSC to focus on its primary mandate of providing a Centre of Excellence in applied swine production research. "By transferring daily operating responsibilities for the P.I.G. to Sask Pork personnel there is a more appropriate link between organization mandate and the activities the organizations are involved with" notes Dr. Patience.

"The public's perception of the pork industry is fundamental to the growth and development of the pork sector in this province" notes Neil Ketilson. "The Gallery complements Sask Pork's communications and agri-education programs. To support the project, we have added a new staff member, Jessica Podhordeski, who joins the organization as Agri-Education Coordinator. Her role will include the management and promotion of the Pork Interpretive Gallery to schools, international visitors and the public.

The link between Prairie Swine Centre and the pork industry has always been important for both organizations and this change only further strengthens that relationship.

To book a tour call 1-866-PIG-TOUR (744-8687), or visit www.porkinterpretivegallery.ca.

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