Closed Loop Manure Management Bring Multiple Benefits

CANADA - A Vancouver based waste management company says its closed loop liquid manure management system eliminates the need for manure storage facilities and problems associated with odor and cuts water consumption in half, writes Bruce Cochrane.
calendar icon 29 December 2006
clock icon 3 minute read

ADT Waste Systems approach to manure management uses a conveyer to separate the solid and liquid components of livestock manure then processes the two streams separately, returning the nutrients from the liquid stream to the solids which are pelletized.

ADT President Victor Van Slyke told those attending Manitoba Hog and Poultry Days, earlier this month in Winnipeg, about half of the water that comes into the barn is returned for reuse and the pelletized nutrients can be sold off site as fertilizer.

Victor Van Slyke - ADT Waste Systems

Without putting much of a premium on their organic content, the chemical equivalent works out to about 200 dollars a tonne.

Obviously, depending on the breed that you're raising, the diets they're on, their stage of development, those things are going to go in the pellet and of course it's going to be averaged over a long period of time.

But we recover all of the nitrogen and that's what used to be lost in the lagoon system.

The phosphorus, about 95 percent of all the phosphorus is associated with the solids and since they go into the pellet, there's you're phosphorus.

I've got to tell you that the economics are somewhat dependent on the amount of solids that come to you for the pellets in the first place.

Nurseries, for example, where the solid content is not terribly high, aren't going to do it so you've got to mix them up with the sows if you're going to try this or preferably just go for a feeder operation where you have a pretty consistent sort of solid supply.

Van Slyke estimates, on a 20 thousand head feeder operation, a seven and a half million dollar system will pay for itself, excluding interest, in about seven and a half years.

He adds the company is now seeking an appropriate candidate to install and test the technology.

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