Classical Swine Fever In Nicaragua

NICARAGUA - This is follow up report No.1 via OIE on the Classical Swine Fever outbreak in domestic pigs in Nicaragua.
calendar icon 22 January 2007
clock icon 3 minute read

Information received on 22/01/2007 from Dr. Roberto Antonio Dangla Lira, Director de Salud Animal, Managua, Dirección General de Protección y Sanidad Agropecuaria, MANAGUA, Nicaragua


Report type Follow-up report No. 1 (Final report)
Start date 12/12/2006
Date of confirmation of event 20/12/2006
Report date 22/01/2007
Date submitted to OIE 22/01/2007
Reason for notification Reoccurrence of listed disease
Date of previous occurrence 13/06/2005
Manifestation of disease Clinical disease
Causal agent Virus de la familia Flaviviridae , género pestevirus
Nature of diagnosis Clinical, Laboratory (advanced)
Report pertains to Entire country
Related reports
Outbreaks There are no new outbreaks in this report


Source of infection
  • Unknown or inconclusive
Epidemiological comments El 21 de diciembre de 2006, se inició la vacunación de los cerdos existentes en un radio de 6 km alrededor del foco, empezando por el perímetro exterior. Una brigada de Medicos Veterinarios Oficiales realiza las investigaciones epidemiológicas necesarias para determinar las causas que originaron el foco.

Control measures

Measures already applied
  • Vaccination in response to the outbreak (s)
  • Vaccination permitted
  • Treatment of affected animals (Se recomendó aplicación de biodipirona y antibiótico)
Measures to be applied
  • None specified

Diagnostic test results

Laboratory name and type Laboratorio Central de Diagnóstico Veterinario (Regional Reference Laboratory)
Tests and results
Species Test Test date Result
Swine PCR en tiempo real 20/12/2006 Positive

Further Information

Information on Classical Swine Fever

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