Pig sector looking to the future
NORTHERN IRELAND - The UFU has been involved in various discussions to help establish much needed confidence within the pig sector, and to secure a future for pig production in Northern Ireland.While producer prices appear to be picking up, the heavy cuts in contract prices towards the end of last year remain very much in the minds of producers.
The Ulster Farmers’ Union has been actively engaged in helping the local pigmeat industry break into new markets. We believe one of the most practical ways to securing long term sustainable prices for producers, is by securing Aujeszky-free status for the Northern Ireland pig herd. That is why we support the approach of the Aujeszky Disease Working Group to encourage all pig herds to achieve ADF status through vaccination.
We continue to lobby to have the pig unit at Greenmount re-stocked, as we believe this is an important facility to encourage young people into pig production. This has also given rise to the wider issue of equipping the pig sector with competent stockpeople. UFU Central Pigs Committee is working with CAFRE on the best way to address the practical skills and training gaps within the sector.
We are acting on behalf of producers’ as to how the statutory 21 pence levy is to be spent in the future, in light of the Review of Public Administration announcement which stated that the functions of the PPDC are to be transferred to the Livestock and Meat Commission. UFU’s position is to ensure that pig producers receive maximum benefit on the future spend of levy funds, whatever new mechanism is established.
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