NPPC Delegates Call For End To Ethanol Subsidies
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Urging broad support for a federal market-based bio-fuels policy, producer delegates at the National Pork Producers Council’s annual business meeting March 3 in Anaheim, Calif., approved several resolutions related to ethanol.Producer delegates voted to:
- Support allowing the 51-cent per gallon ethanol blender’s tax credit and the 54-cent tariff on imported ethanol to expire. The blender’s credit is set to expire Dec. 31, 2010; the import tariff Dec. 31, 2008.
- Support – should the blender’s credit be extended – development of a countercyclical blender’s credit system based on the price of oil.
Support the increased use of bio-diesel as a renewable fuel source. - Will seek and support incentives for capturing and digesting methane from swine farms as an alternative energy source.
- Urge the federal government to appropriate funds for research on the use of bio-fuels co-products for swine feed rations and for research on swine utilization of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) and their impact on meat quality and animal health.
- Support the findings of a Center for Agricultural and Rural Development study on the impact of corn-based ethanol production on the livestock industry and asks that they be considered during formulation of the 2007 Farm Bill.
- Support the incremental early release – without penalty – by USDA of Conservation Reserve Program acres back into crop production.