Federal agencies call for views on melamine issue
US - The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is asking for comments regarding their conclusions that pigs and chickens from farms identified as having purchased or received melamine-tainted pet food scraps or related compounds are safe for human consumption.The conclusion was reached based on the results of an interim safety/risk assessment, that indicated that the consumption of pork, poultry, eggs and domestic fish products from animals inadvertently fed animal feed contaminated with melamine and melamine-related compounds was very unlikely to pose a human health risk.
The agency is requesting comments on the findings articulated in a notice published May 30, 2007 in the Federal Register. It specifically wants comment on whether the agency’s findings are appropriate to protect public health. For the complete FSIS notice and instructions for submitting comments, click here.
Comments are also being accepted on the Food and Drug Administration’s interim safety/risk assessment. The document, “Interim Melamine and Melamine Analogues Safety/Risk Assessment,” describes the risk to human health associated with eating pork, chicken, fish and eggs from animals that were inadvertently fed animal feed that contained melamine and its analogues (cyanuric acid, ammelide and ammeline).
For the complete FDA notice and instructions for submitting comments, click here.