High hopes for Hytek in the Red State

Canada - Canada's second largest pork producer, is actively exploring options to reduce its reliance on US trade and its eyes are focussed eastwards.
calendar icon 14 May 2007
clock icon 2 minute read
The company, which produces more than 1.2 million pigs, has among its business ventures investment in shares in Chinese company, Tianzow Foods.

Within the next five to seven years, Hytek hopes to produce and slaughter 1.5 million pigs annually in China, says the company.

And it will start the process by shipping 700 breeding sows to the red state this September.
Hytek hopes to expand it's interests up to a herd of 70,000 sows within the next few years.

“It’s just totally amazing the opportunities that are there,” said Hytek partner Claude Vielfaure. He said the company’s chinese venture is something other pig production companies may have to consider in the future. Increasing environmental restrictions in Manitoba, and other Canadian provinces is preventing expansion.

“I think with what’s happened in Manitoba, then we must look all over the world and see where the opportunities are,” he added.

He said that when it comes to opportunities to make money from pigs, the company leaves no stone unturned.
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