Summary EU pigmeat managment committee meeting
UK - The pigmeat managment committee meeting summary - June 2007.Summary of meeting
- Market situation report presented by Commission
- Export refunds agreed
- Import quota for sausages from Iceland agreed
- Weighting co-efficients for calculating market prices agreed
- Methods for carcase grading in France agreed, those for Latvia, Romania, Lithuania and Bulgaria circulated.
- Market situation for pigmeat.
Communications and interpretations of national and EU market indicators. - Exchange of views and request for opinion on a draft Commission Regulation fixing the export refunds in the pigmeat sector.
Quarterly fixation of refunds. It is proposed to keep the refunds unchanged.
Vote: Favourable opinion (in favour: 338 (26 Member States), against: 0 (0 MS), abstention: 7 (1 MS), absent & not represented: 0 (0 MS). - Exchange of views and possible request for an opinion on a draft Commission Regulation opening and providing for the administration of an import tariff quota of sausages originating in Iceland.
Vote: Favourable opinion (in favour: 345 (27 Member States), against: 0 (0 MS), abstention: 0 ( 0 MS), absent & not represented: 0 (0 MS). - Exchange of views and possible request for an opinion on a draft Commission Regulation fixing the weighting coefficients to be used in calculating the Community market price for pig carcases for the 2007/08 marketing year.
Vote: Favourable opinion (in favour: 345 (27 Member States), against: 0 (0 MS), abstention: 0 ( 0 MS), absent & not represented: 0 (0 MS). - Exchange of views and possible request for an opinion on a draft Decision amending Decision 2006/784/EC authorizing a method for grading pig carcases in France.
Vote: Favourable opinion (in favour: 345 (27 Member States), against: 0 (0 MS), abstention: 0 ( 0 MS), absent & not represented: 0 (0 MS). - Exchange of views on part II of the protocol in view to authorize methods for the grading of pig carcases in Latvia.
Discussion. - Exchange of views on part I of the protocol in view to authorize methods for the grading of pig carcases in Bulgaria.
Discussion. - Exchange of views on part I of the protocol in view to authorize methods for the grading of pig carcases in Spain.
The protocol is approved and Spain is invited to start with the dissection trial. - Miscellaneous.