Shenzhen to Increase Pork Reserve
CHINA - Shenzhen'S government will increase its reserves of pork to 4,000-5,000 tons amid soaring prices for the staple meat.The amount is equivalent to a week's supply of pork for Shenzhen residents. At present, the volume of fresh and frozen pork in the city totals 3,000 tons, enough to cover three days' consumption. The Commerce Ministry recently decided to ship 2,000 tons of frozen pork to the city, making it possible for the city government to increase the amount of pork available in Shenzhen's shops and markets.
To increase pork supplies, the municipal government has unveiled certain measures, that include paying subsidies to large pig farms in the aresa. Those pig farms will get a 50-yuan (US$6.41) subsidy for every breeding animal.
Each of the 56 pig farms outside Shenzhen, which have signed agreements with the municipal bureau of agriculture, forestry and fishery to supply live pigs to the city, will get a subsidy of 20 yuan for each live pig sold in Shenzhen. Compulsory immunisation of stock will be carried out to prevent the spread of the deadly blue ear disease (PRRS).
Up to 90 percent of the pork sold in Shenzhen is supplied by pig farms sited outside the city, mostly in other areas of Guangdong and neighbouring regions such asHunan, Jiangxi and Guangxi. To meet demands the authorities in Shenzhen have also had to look as far away as northeastern China for meat supplies.