Edwards:Halt new hog lots

US - Presidential candidate John Edwards stepped into a raging rural controversy this week as he toured the western Iowa countryside.
calendar icon 22 October 2007
clock icon 2 minute read

The former North Carolina senator told audiences that he would push for a national moratorium on building or expanding livestock confinement facilities. He also said he would push for tougher federal environmental regulations and for rigorous enforcement of current manure disposal laws.

He mostly was talking about hog confinement operations, which have pitted neighbors against each other in many rural Iowa areas. Operators say well-run facilities are a safe, efficient way to raise hogs and compete on the world market. But many neighbors say the facilities stink up the air and foul the water, devastate their property values, and drive small farmers out of business.

Some other presidential candidates have talked about the controversy, but a leading hog confinement critic said Edwards is the only one she's heard propose a national moratorium.

In an interview, Edwards said his interest in the issue stems from experiences in his home state, where hog confinements first proliferated.

Source: DesMoinesRegister.com
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