Hog confinement earns county approval

US - An Iowa pork producer got the go-ahead today to build a 2,200-head hog confinement facility 11 miles south of Lennox.
calendar icon 24 October 2007
clock icon 2 minute read

James Van Beek’s conditional use permit for the facility was approved by the Lincoln County Planning and Zoning office on Aug. 20, but his neighbors appealed the decision to the Lincoln County Commission, citing concerns over water contamination and road conditions at the site.

The commission tabled the appeal on Sept. 25, asking Van Beek to speak with the S.D. Geological Survey about the area’s groundwater and to develop a plan for road maintenance with Delaware Township.

On Tuesday, Van Beek’s lawyer, David Updegraff, told commissioners he spoke with Derric Iles, the state geologist, and Iles said water in the nearest aquifer to the facility is at least 50 feet underground.

An engineering report sanctioned by Pork Plus – Van Beek’s company – shows the nearest aquifer to be a mile away.

Source: ArgusLeader.com
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