Thompson's tip: Save feed, cut waste

UK - Despite the high cost of feed, frequently very simple feed-saving tasks on pig farms are being ignored.
calendar icon 10 October 2007
clock icon 2 minute read
Fed waste cannot be ignored and must be minimised.

Paul Thompson MRCVS, veterinary consultant to pig-breeding and genetics company, ACMC says feeders with splits and holes in the bottom are a common sight on many units.

"And feed makes expensive bedding," says Paul.

Food dropping through slats due to damaged hoppers is also a common problem and under current economic conditions producers can't afford to waste this valuable resource.

Paul advises producers to make sure all feeders and feeding equipment/dispensers are set to deliver the correct amount of food, and to the right place.

While inspecting feeders it is also worthwhile re-checking that adequate feeding space is available for the size and number of pigs in each pen. The latest BPEX guide on Defra Codes of Welfare provide a good reference, says ACMC.

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