Tracking down the importers

UK - NPA is concerned that imports are significantly undermining the industry's attempts to rise above the feed cost and carcase-balance issues that are threatening the survival of the British pig industry.
calendar icon 15 October 2007
clock icon 2 minute read
NPA has produced a chart which shows the MHS number for each of the main abattoirs.

With this information it should be possible for pig-keepers and their families to help the association build up a picture of who is supplying whom with what. The company or companies concerned can then be asked to justify their actions, says NPA.

Producers urgently need to get a handle on who is importing what.
We will be doing this category by category, starting next week (probably with sliced meats).

Producers and allied industry will be asked to visit supermarkets and make a note of the imported product name, its number, the date of your visit, and the store name and location. Meanwhile, for your own guidance, please right-click, choose Download, then print out this crib sheet. More information next week.

A crib sheet list of processors and their MHS number can be found on the news page of www.npa-uk.
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