ImportWatch Sets Sights on Ham

UK - In the run-up to Christmas, the NPA will focus its ImportWatch campaign on ham.
calendar icon 29 November 2007
clock icon 2 minute read
Over 40 percent of the pigmeat market in the UK is for processed products other than bacon. Therefore, if prices to producers are to rise it is vital that processors and retailers are persuaded to substitute some imports in this category for British.

To achieve this NPA must know more about what is on the retail shelves – and who is putting it there.

“Substitution of imported ham with British ham is essential. It is one of those areas that is not receiving enough attention at the moment,” said BPEX chief executive Mick Sloyan at a recent NPA Producer Group meeting.

The easiest way to persuade retailers and processors to substitute imported product with British is to offer a small percentage of the British at (say) Dutch prices. It is hoped this will happen between producers, processors and retailers over the next few weeks in a bid to clear the foot-and-mouth overhang before Christmas.

However, going forward, the industry will need to work closely with all links in the chain to win a commitment for more British ham.

NPA's ImportWatch army is growing every day. Results from phase two of the fresh pork survey are being collated now. The next phase, following the investigations into ham, will focus on gammon and bacon.
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