Nominations open for National Pork Checkoff Board

US - The National Pork Checkoff Board is accepting nominations to fill five three-year terms as directors of the board. In addition, candidates are being sought for two open seats on the Board's Nominating Committee to serve two-year terms starting in 2008.
calendar icon 7 November 2007
clock icon 2 minute read

Nominees may be submitted by state pork producer associations, farm organizations and anyone who pays the Pork Checkoff, which includes pork producers and pork importers.

Any person who is a producer and has paid all Checkoff assessments due, or is a representative of a producer or company that produces hogs or pigs, is eligible to serve on the checkoff board. The 15 positions on the checkoff board are held by pork producers or importers who volunteer their time.

Seats to be elected are held currently by:

Lynn Harrison, Wisconsin - Term limitation applies.
Wayne Peugh, Illinois - Term limitation applies
Brian Zimmerman, Nebraska - Eligible for reelection to a 3-year term.
Alan Wilhoite, Indiana - Eligible for reelection to a 3-year term.
Roy Henry, Kansas - Eligible for reelection to a 3-year term

The Pork Checkoff Nominating Committee will solicit, interview, evaluate and recommend candidates to the Pork Act Delegate Body at the annual meeting March 6-8 in St. Louis. A slate of eight producers will be elected and submitted to the U.S. secretary of agriculture who will appoint five producers to serve 3-year terms on the National Pork Checkoff Board.

Source: LivestockRoundup
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