National Pork Board to Meet in Sacramento
US - Members of the US National Pork Board will examine California agricultural and pork production issues when the board meets 6-9 January in Sacramento."The board at least once each year attempts to meet in a place where members can see first-hand some of the issues and developments that can impact pork production," said Lynn Harrison, a pork producer from Elk Mound, Wisconsin, and president of the National Pork Board.
"In California, some animal rights advocates are attempting to collect signatures for a November 2008 ballot initiative that, if successful, would force production-practice changes on some pork, egg and veal producers. During this meeting we’ll have a chance to meet with California agricultural interests to better understand this issue."
Harrison said the board also will meet with University of California-Davis experts working on swine reproduction, air-quality and pork-production modeling projects, and will visit a hog farm and a cheese company that has undertaken a public-image initiative.
"When most people think about pork production, they tend to think about the Midwest or North Carolina," Harrison said.
"There are innovative and successful producers throughout the country, and this meeting will allow us to learn about pork production on the West Coast."
During its business meeting, board members also are expected to:
- Establish goals and measurement standards for their own peformance during 2008.
- Review results of the 2007 producer benchmark survey.
- Formulate the 2009 strategic planning and budgeting process.
- Discuss the action plan for the image and trust critical issue.
- Review plans for the 2008 Pork Industry Forum, March 6-8 in St. Louis.
National Pork Board meetings are open to the public. Those planning to attend are asked to contact Lorraine Garner at (515) 223-2600, or [email protected].