New Site Holds Key, says BPEX

UK - Data on average feed prices in the major EU pig industries and weekly sow slaughterings throughout the EU are just some of the information available in a new Key Business Indicators section of the BPEX website.
calendar icon 28 January 2008
clock icon 3 minute read

The site contains an array of information to answer questions such as: How much is feed in Denmark at present? Which sow herds are declining by how much in the EU at present?

This section of the BPEX website is designed to enable the English pig industry levy payers make business decisions based on additional information available from other main pig producing EU member states.

"We are in the process of expanding the range of market intelligence we provide to English levy payers, so if you have ideas on other information that you would like to see then do contact us," said BPEX's Andrew Knowles. Best way to reach him is via his email: [email protected]

"This information should give producers the tools to understand what is happening in other member states..."

Andrew Knowles, BPEX

Information on sow cullings and clean pig slaughterings gives weekly indicators on current production levels in each member state and indication of the number of producers leaving the industry.

Feed cost data gives comparative costs for sow feed, weaner/rearing feed and finishing feed for member states for October/November 2007 compared with 2006. It also indicates other input costs of production and how these have changed year-on-year. Feed costs will be monitored on a monthly basis.

Live Trade

The EU trade section looks at live trade between member states. This enables an understanding of production for each member state accounting for what comes into/or leaves the country for slaughter. It also looks at third country trade in pig meat to gain an understanding of demand for EU product, including applications made for fresh and frozen pork export refunds and whether these have encouraged an increase in exports. Finally it looks at the trade balance of cuts for the UK market. These figures will be updated on a monthly basis with the most up-to-date information available from intrastat.

Other items on the index – pig performance indicators, sow numbers and carcase weights - are annual background information, indicating the historic productivity of each member state.

"This information should give producers the tools to understand what is happening in other member states. They could use it to assist in making your own business decisions," said Mr Knowles.

Information for other EU member states will be added as and when possible. The site will also feature a number of articles looking at different aspects of this data and/or including other relevant information.

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