Think Tank on Agriculture
GERMANY - A three-day Think Tank for leaders in Germany’s agriculture – the DLG “Wintertagung“ - is this week addressing key issues facing European farming within a world market.Subjects at the event include strategies for higher crop yields and more efficiency in milk, pig and poultry production.
Attended by thousands of top farmers, the event run by the German agricultural organisation DLG, has also attractad world experts from the food sector including Professor Joachim von Braun, director general of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in Washington, USA. Professor von Braun is discussing changes in world food demand and their affect on producers. He leads a galaxy of speakers that spreads the focus of the DLG Wintertagung 2008 much further than the local issues, presenting signals for the entire agricultural sector and society as a whole on world market development and strategies.
The event in Münster, from 8-10 January also includes a presentation from Antoon Vermeer, Supervisory Board Chairman in the VION Food Group, giving the processor point of view as marketing partner in agriculture.
Opening the winter meeting are DLG President Carl-Albrecht Bartmer and Ursula Heinen, Parliamentary Secretary of State in the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection.
Discussion groups will also compare international performance in farming and look into added value chains, organic production, quality standards and the meeting of relatively new bioenergy demands.