DVD Tells theTruth About Sausages

UK - Research* shows children do not have a very good understanding of where food comes from and, in particular, no idea that sausages, which can form part of a healthy, balanced diet, came from pigs.
calendar icon 5 February 2008
clock icon 2 minute read
To counter thi inaccurate perception, the British Pig Executive (BPEX) has developed a DVD which demonstrates the sausage-making process, from farm to plate.

Entitled 'Sausages come from Pigs' the five-minute DVD for children aged between eight and 11 years aims to help them understand where their food comes from, as well as promoting sausages as an important part of school meals.

BPEX foodservice trade manager, Tony Goodger, said: "Not only do the children enjoy sausages but thanks to the many quality, reduced-salt and reduced-fat varieties, they can form part of a healthy balanced meal.

"The DVD works on many levels; it is a fantastic tool to help put children in touch with where their food comes from, as well as helping school meal providers to work more closely with the schools they supply.

"In recent years, sausages have greatly improved in quality and they form an important part of the weekly school menu."

The DVD starts on a pig farm and follows the process through, showing what happens at the sausage making company and finally, primary school pupils enjoying sausages for lunch. And it's free from BPEX by calling Tel. 01908 844114.
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