Pork Industry and Input Prices
US - Pork producers are experiencing difficult times - and they are likely tpo continue. Data from John Lawrence at Iowa State University showed that the total cost of producing a 270-pound hog in an Iowa farrow to finish operation for pigs born in July 2007, and slaughtered in December 2007, was $49.53 per hundred pounds live weight, or $66.04 carcass weight.Livestock Roundup reports USDA weighted average values for hogs sold in Iowa-Southern Minnesota on 15 January at $46.81 on a carcass weight basis. Each 202-pound hog carcass cost $133.72 to produce, and it sold for $94.55 - so each pig marketed that week was sold at a loss of $39.17 per head.
Wisconsin Pork Association discussed the situation at length during its Annual Business Conference in January. Also, a number of pork producers attending Ag Day at the Capitol provided additional feedback on this issue within the industry.
From an organisational standpoint, producers are being encouraged to weigh-in their opinions on these issues with their legislators, as well as with the leadership of the association. Wisconsin will be sending a number of producer leaders to the National Pork Forum on 6-8 March in St. Louis, where input costs will no doubt be a major discussion point.
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