BPEX - PCV2 Vaccination Project On-stream by April
UK - The details of the major PCV2 vaccination project are being finalised and it will be launched in early April, reports David Burch.
The £1.5 million British Pig Executive (BPEX) project is based on reclaiming a portion of vaccine cost on presentation of veterinary invoice for product purchased from 1 April 2008.
Full details will be available on the BPEX website and also through pig production and veterinary bulletins.
BPEX Director of Pig Industry Development Mark Wilson said that all all assured producers will be personally contacted about the scheme - which is open to all pig units located in England.
"As this is a research project information will be needed from producers on pre and post vaccination performance," he added.
Full details will be available on the BPEX website and also through pig production and veterinary bulletins.
BPEX Director of Pig Industry Development Mark Wilson said that all all assured producers will be personally contacted about the scheme - which is open to all pig units located in England.
"As this is a research project information will be needed from producers on pre and post vaccination performance," he added.