Mexico - Top-Ranked Market for US Pork and Beef

MEXICO - Wehn it comes to shifting volume, then Mexico is the top export destination for US and Nebraska pork and beef. And livestock producers are being encouraged to understand this marketplace and make the most of the continued opportunities it offers.
calendar icon 26 March 2008
clock icon 3 minute read

The Mexican market is also important for US and Nebraskan corn producers - because they are seeing a significant amount of product heading across the border in the form of beef and pork.

“The importance of corn exports via meat is not lost on Nebraska corn producers, which is why we were happy to sponsor a joint trip to Mexico for a Nebraska pork and beef producer,” said Nebraska Corn Board member David Merrell of St. Edward during a recent visit to Mexico.

The trip was arranged through the US Meat Export Federation (USMEF), a Denver, Colorado-based organisation that promotes US meat exports. The Nebraska Corn Board has supported USMEF since it began and has contributed in the region of $300,000 to its efforts during the past year.

"We want to see all Nebraska producers, from corn to cattle to hogs, be successful and profitable, which is why we believe it is important to promote the exports of meat and meat products," said Merrell.

First Hand Experience

The delegation to Mexico had the opportunity to tour several beef and pork processing facilities, cattle yards and a boutique meat retailer in order to better understand the local marketplace and its potential.

“We found that although Mexico is the top market for US pork on a volume basis, there is still room to grow,” said Russ Vering of Howells, a member of the Nebraska Pork Producers Association board of directors.

"Although Mexico is the top market for US pork on a volume basis, there is still room to grow."
Russ Vering, Director, Nebraska Pork Producers Association.

“It was good of the Nebraska Corn Board to pull corn, cattle and hog people together on a trip like this so we can all better understand where we fit in the marketplace and how we all need to work together,”he added.

According to USMEF, in 2006, Mexico is the primary market for US pork and pork variety meat exports on a volume basis. However, it falls in second to Japan on a value basis. In 2006, US pigmeat exports to Mexico totaled 356,418 metric tons and was valued at $557 million.

The Nebraska Corn Board is a self-help program, funded and managed by Nebraska corn farmers. Producers contribute at a rate of a quarter of a cent per bushel of corn sold. Nebraska corn checkoff funds are invested in programs of market development, research and education.

Further Reading

- Go to our previous news item on this subject by clicking here.
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