Scottish Industry Facing Extinction

UK - Industry observers say that Scotland's pig industry could disappear within a few months,
calendar icon 19 March 2008
clock icon 2 minute read
A report in the Scotsman, quotes a stark message from Jim McLaren, president of NFU Scotland.

Official Statistics have tracked a marked decline in the breeding herd over the past decade and there is a real possibility that there will hardly be a pig left in Scotland.

Although the industry is relatively small, he affirms that it is vitally important to Scotland's farming industry.

He said that has been under immense pressure for many months, while last year's foot-and-mouth crisis did little to engender any sense of optimism for the longer-term. It is generally agreed that every pig leaving Scottish farms for slaughter is losing its producer at least £26.

Higher feed costs are clearly a major influence, as the daily ration accounts for almost 80 per cent of total cost of production.

In 1997, Scotland had a pig breeding herd totalling 69,600 sows and younger animals destined for the production chain. The trend since then has been consistently negative and, as of December 2007 according to the official census figures from the Scottish government, the breeding herd had fallen to only 38,600 head – a fall of just over 12 per cent on the year.

View the Scotsman story by clicking here.

Further Reading

- For another report on this subject click here.
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