Pig Farm Permit Angers Locals
MALTA - Malta's Environment and Planning Authority has approved outline permission for a pig production site, close by 10 other farmsFor this application the planning directorate carried out the necessary consultation, as stipulated by law, with the Department of Public Health, Department of Agriculture, Department of Veterinary Services and the Malta Resources Authority which found no objection to this development.
During the public meeting, the board addressed objections from three residents that live adjacent to this development in an ODZ area.
The small group of residents in Maghtab, whose country homes will now neighbour the 80-pig fattening facility were reported to be outraged. This new farm would practically stand back-to-back with their properties - and they were concerned about noise and odour problems.
They also pointed out that their residences were there before any of the existing farms and that a number of such farms were not used or used for other purposes. They says there is strong case for an alternative site to be found for the pig unit.
MEPA board chairman Andrew Calleja said the development was in line with the authority's policy. This rural area is predominately devoted to farming and therefore the pig unit fitted into the locality.