Burke’s Silence Will Kill off Pig Industry

AUSTRALIA - Opposition agricultural spokesman Nigel Scullion says that productivity commission's report on the inquiry into safeguards into the import of pig meat has left Australian pork producers in a precarious position.
calendar icon 1 May 2008
clock icon 2 minute read
The report, released on 4 April, has been sitting on Minister Burke's desk for a month while the industry is in danger of "collapsing", says Mr Scullion in a report for Farmonline's Stock & Land.

"Australian pork producers are a resilient lot but they need urgent help," he added.

"The Productivity Commission found that it was higher feed and industry input costs and not cheap imports that were threatening the industry and accordingly recommended against safeguard action.

Scullion says that this ignores the fact that it is the price of imports that sets the price of pork products in the supermarket.

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