Federal Cull Program Moves to Phase II
CANADA - The federal cull program for breeding swine is moving into a second phase to spread out remaining funds across all provinces, reports Canadian Cattlemen.The Canadian Pork Council, which operates the $50 million program, said Thursday that in this second phase, funds will go only to hog farmers in provinces that haven't yet met the target of cutting their breeding swine herd by 10 per cent from Jan. 1, 2008 levels.
As of Wednesday, the council reported, Ontario had committed 10.4 per cent of its breeding herd, Nova Scotia 46.9 per cent and Prince Edward Island 37.5 per cent during the first phase, in which applications had been accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, according to Canadian Cattlemen.
Under the cull program, qualifying hog farmers will get $225 per breeding swine culled after April 14 or $225 per animal culled between Nov. 1, 2007 and April 13, 2008 less the selling price received. The program also reimburses costs of euthanasia, further processing, rendering and disposal.
View the Canadian Cattlemen story by clicking here.