A Pocketful of Facts

UK - Getting a quart into a pint pot is never easy but the latest edition of A Pocketful of Meat Facts achieves just that.
calendar icon 13 June 2008
clock icon 2 minute read

It shows retailers sold 3% more British beef last year compared with 2006 and 4% less imported beef. On the bacon front, the UK imported 6% more bacon last year, but consumed 4% less in total.

The 2008 edition of A Pocketful of Meat Facts, has just been published by the Economics team at AHDB meat services.

Now in its 14th year, this pocket-sized reference book is packed with facts to give everyone in the industry an overview of key statistics for cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry - including livestock numbers, market prices, abattoir throughputs, consumption, trade, and also key EU meat statistics.

Fully updated for 2007 with 2006 figures as a comparison, 50 tables of figures and 14 full colour charts have been packed into this handy-sized reference book that nobody in livestock can afford to be without. The charts include detailed supply chain flow diagrams.

Market analyst Tracey Richardson said, "There's so much information crammed into this little book that it can help anyone involved in the red meat industry, from producers to caterers and students, get to know the market better than ever. The fact that it's one of our best-sellers proves how useful industry people find it, year after year."

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