Oxford Benchmarkers Improve Productivity
UK - Oxford pig club members, who benchmark their production figures on a quarterly basis, carried out their first year-on-year check and discovered they had all made great improvements to their levels of production.The figures showed:
- Sow Replacement up by 7.43%
- Sow Mortality down by 0.71%
- Farrowing Rate up by 3.69%
- Farrowing Index up by 0.09
- Lost Days down by 23.07
- Born Alive up by 0.34
- Total Born up by 0.44
- Weaned per litter up by 0.25
- Mortality down by 0.49%
And weaned piglets per sow per year up by 1 pig per litter!
Last Year the group made the decision to make a huge effort to reduce non-productive days over the course of the year as the group average was 56 days. They set themselves a target of 40, which they have totally smashed as the group average is now 32 days. This added up to a saving of 3242,000 for the group (assuming every non-productive day costs 32.50 per sow).
The club also provides the opportunity to learn from fellow club members about different production management systems. Topics that have come up for discussion have included improving piglet survival and the value of using PCV2. The group has also spent time taking photos of some of the members' farrowing paddocks to discuss ways to improve the design and efficiency of them.
Club member Cameron Naughton said: "I would like to thank the group for the information sharing, which has given me so many ideas on how to keep improving my production."
The group are looking to recruit new members in the Bucks, Berks and Oxon area so the knowledge transfer net can be thrown wider. If you are interested in joining in this excellent resource please contact Helen Thoday on 07973 710202 or email [email protected]