PIC: $18m Genetic Nucleus, Apex Construction Begins
US - Global pig genetics leader Pig Improvement Company (PIC) began construction of a new genetic nucleus farm in Campbell County, South Dakota, USA. Construction began in April and is expected to be completed by February 2009. Stocking is anticipated to begin in the autumn of 2008.The Apex farm will consist of five sites, including a 3,000-head sow farm with full gilt test, a full boar test, a 500-boar gene transfer centre, a quarantine/export facility and a state of the art truck washing facility to enhance bio-security.
It will feature environmentally sound design, using deep pit under-barn containment system for manure handling. Local farmers will utilize the manure for crop nutrients.

After an exhaustive search in the United States, PIC selected the Campbell County location based on the criteria of hog density, access to corn production, population density and support of local and state government officials.
This new facility is expected to employ approximately 60 full and part-time employees once completed, representing about $2 million in annual salary and benefits. Local grain producers will benefit as well, with expected annual consumption of 14,500 tonnes of corn and 4,000 tonnes of soybean meal.
The new genetic nucleus (GN) will provide a full contingency for all of the company's pure lines by serving as a sister operation to the existing PIC GN Aurora farm in Canada. These two nucleus farms will drive PIC's global genetic improvement program from North America. The average life of a GN is 20 years. With GN Aurora, Canada reaching its 10th Anniversary by the time GN Apex is operational, PIC is taking a proactive step in securing the global gene improvement and dissemination program for the long-term.

"PIC expects this facility to create genetic improvement for the world, and increase supply of high-quality sires in our largest market - North America. Our North American business has seen tremendous growth in AI sires, and this facility will increase our supply of high-quality sires in our largest market while delivering value creating genetics to the global industry. Genetic improvement is a long term proposition; this nucleus facility will be a major part of our program for many years to come.
PIC will continue to focus on genetics that are profitable in the "real world" using all available tools including traditional quantitative genetics, marker assisted selection and the GN Crossbred program which incorporates commercial performance into our selection decisions at the GN. All of these programs are focused on increasing the performance and robustness of our pigs in our customers' farms," said Bill Christianson, PIC USA General Manager.
PIC is the international leader in providing genetically superior pig breeding stock. The company combines quantitative sciences with leading edge biotechnology to develop non-GMO breeding stock that is focused on meeting the needs of its customers. Operating for over 45 years, PIC's success is attributed to its significant investment in people, genetics, technology and health. The Board of the parent company, UK based Genus plc committed to pigs and cattle, has approved this significant, $18 M strategic investment focused solely on PIC - even in difficult industry conditions.