Public Encouraged to Express Views on Bill 17
CANADA - The provincial opposition is encouraging the public to express its concerns over the Manitoba government's plan to ban hog industry expansion in three regions of the province, writes Bruce Cochrane.Bill 17, which proposes changes to the provincial environment act that would impose a permanent legislative moratorium on hog industry expansion in 35 Manitoba rural municipalities, is scheduled to go before a legislative committee for final public comment prior to third reading and passage.
So far over 400 groups and individuals have registered to express their views on the bill.
Opposition house leader Gerald Hawranik says the bill is a huge concern and he believes public input during the legislative committee review will be key.
Gerald Hawranik-PC Party of Manitoba
It's a critical role in the legislative process because what it does is it allows producers, it allows people in rural Manitoba, in the city of Winnipeg, in Brandon and where ever, all Manitobans to come forward and express their views on Bill 17.
If the government is listening to what Manitobans have to say there's a possibility of amendment whether it's a friendly amendment from government itself to change the bill somewhat or whether it's an amendment from opposition.
Quite often, as opposition, we're listening when we hear those presentations and if we see that there is a very legitimate concern and the bill can be improved or it can help in terms of its impact on rural Manitoba and including on water quality then the opposition will propose amendments too to that bill so it does have a critical role.
It has a crucial role in the legislative process.
Hawranik describes Bill 17 as an attack on rural Manitoba and he insists there is no absolutely science to support the moratorium.
He says, at this point, the government appears to moving full steam ahead, indicating there will be no amendments, however he stresses that can change at committee and he urges people to come forward and express their views on the bill.