Chinese Pig Production Rises
CHINA - China's pig production is on the rise again, according to figures released by the country's Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), Xinhua has reported.
The MOA survey shows the number of pigs in stock at the end of June was up 10.6% in comparison to the same month in 2007. It included approximately 1,800 scaled farms and 1,800 private farms in 20 relevant provinces.
The survey also reveals that the number of pigs slaughtered rose by 4.8%. Stocks of breeding sows rose by 20%, which is expected to ease piglet supplies in the fourth quarter of the year.
The survey also reveals that the number of pigs slaughtered rose by 4.8%. Stocks of breeding sows rose by 20%, which is expected to ease piglet supplies in the fourth quarter of the year.
Remarkable recovery
The recovery of China's live pig production is remarkable, as the country's sector suffered from feed price rises, a harsh winter (which killed 4 million pigs).
On top of that, the country was hit by a severe earthquake in the province of Sichuan, earlier this year, in which 3.66 million pigs died.
China's pork prices hit record levels high early 2008 as a consequence of shortages due to diseases and farmers reluctance to step up breeding.