EU Pig Prices: No Summer Slump!
EU - Things continue to be bright in the European slaughter market this week.There are quite a number of strong price increases being reported. This week, we find Germany and Austria in the lead, having increased their price quotations by 7 cents.
Prices have also increased in the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Ireland and France. The Danes, however, appear to be "casual bystanders" again this week, seeing as to how all other European nations have increased their prices and Denmark hasn't, reports
It's remarkable how Germany's and Spain's price quotations are competing with each other this year. Germany is reported as quoting the highest price ever since summer of 2001, thereby taking the lead, with Spain at its trail.
Inspite of weak domestic markets, a number of European countries are making profits through booming export business transactions with Eastern Europe. The Spanish, however, cannot participate in this boom for reasons that are many.
Trend: Judging by the current slaughter weights, an overall substandard live-animals’ supply may be concluded. Periods which are usually difficult in Northern Europe, such as the holiday times, do not carry weight at this point in time; so prices may be assumed to go on increasing.
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