Genesus Duroc Boars - Setting New Genetic Standards
CANADA - Genesus Duroc Boars are from the World’s largest High Health Registered Purebred Herd and are selected for rapid growth rate, durability, feed conversion and carcass quality.Genesus Durocs are analyzed using a proprietary carcass program that emphasizes lean meat percentage while complementing selection for intramuscular fat, color and tenderness. All characteristics demanded by the Premium White Tablecloth and Export Markets, Genesus Duroc have been recognized for superiority with several National Genetic and Packer Carcass Awards. Our selection process is extensive.
Rapid growth – Genesus has the industry’s only dedicated Registered Purebred Duroc performance testing facility that uses computer transponders to individually measure average daily feed intake. This allows Genesus to identify High Appetite Boars that grow faster and are robust throughout production. Research has estimated that including individual feed intake measurements taken over the complete grow-finish period will increase the expected response to selection in our sire line index by 43%. A key selection tool in the Genesus genetic program by our geneticists is the Sire Line Index (SLI). The SLI combines EBV (Estimated Breeding Value) for the key economic traits into one value based on their relative economic value for traits important to slaughter hogs. Last year Genesus performance tested 4,478 Durocs. As shown in the following graphs, Genesus has made steady, annual progress in the key economic traits.

Feed Conversion – Genesus genetic improvement programs have always included selection for feed conversion ratio (FCR). Our selection indexes have a significant amount of emphasis on FCR: 29% in the Sire Line Index. In our current evaluation system an EVB for FCR is computed based on the relationships between FCR and age. Lean yield, loin eye area and percentage of lean in the loin relative to 3 primal lean. Most experts agree that feed intake is strongly related to growth rate and fatness. A 1993 study determined that one day less to 220 lb resulted in 1.96 lb less feed and for every .04 inches less fat at 220 lb resulted in 2.34 lb less feed from 55 to 220 lb growth period.
So what has been the result from the selection Genesus has practiced for FCR? The genetic trends for Duroc are shown in the graph below.

As you can see there has been steady progress in FCR in Durocs since the mid 1990’s. From 1995 to 2007 there has been a reduction of 0.37 lb of feed per lb of gain for Durocs. Putting some practical aspects to those numbers means that it takes 74 lb less feed for Durocs to grow from 60 to 260 lb in 2007 compared to 1995. In the last 5 years (2002-2007) the annual rate of improvement in FCR for Duroc has been a reduction 8 lb of feed per pig from 60 to 260 lbs (5 year – total 40 lbs per pig). Therefore at a ration cost of $255US per ton the feed savings are equivalent to $1.02US per commercial slaughter pig per year (5 year – total $5.10 per pig).
Carcass – For over a decade Genesus geneticists have weekly executed an industry leading Duroc carcass analysis. We are not aware of any genetic company anywhere committed to such an extensive program.
Data Collection in Plant
- Hot carcass weight
- Cold carcass weight
- Carcass Length
- Loin Composition and Quality Measures (10/11th rib face unless noted otherwise)
- 10/11th rib loin eye area, loin and fat depth
- 12/13th rib loin and fat depth
- Texture score
- NPPC Marbling score
- AAFC marbling score
- Minolta L, a and b reflectance measures at 4location on loin surface
- Loin tone score (variation in loin colour)
- Duplicate pH measures
- Minolta L, a and b reflectance measure of fat
- Drip loss (48hr) of sample pork chop
- Ham Face Quality measures
- Minolta L, a and b reflectance measure of fat
- Minolta L, a and b reflectance measures of three main ham face muscles (Gluteus Medius, Quadriceps femoris and Iliopsoas)
- Ham face 2-tone score
- Carcass Primal Composition
- Carcass side weight
- Untrimmed primal weights (Ham, Loin, Shoulder and Belly)
- Trimmed (commercial fat trim) promal weights (Ham, Loin, Picnic, Butt, Belly and Ribs)
Carcass and Meat Quality Database
All carcass and meat quality data is located in carcass and meat quality table within the GENESUS database. It is linked to all other information by a unique set of identifiers. Presently there are 406 weekly carcass and meat quality data collections included in the data base.
Use of Carcass and Meat Quality Data
Carcass and meat quality data is combined with off-test data (growth and ultrasound), pedigree data and off-test, carcass and meat quality data on sibs and relatives for genetic evaluation. Currently Estimated Breeding Values are computed on a weekly basis for the following carcass and meat quality traits:
- Loin depth
- Fat depth
- Loin eye area
- Lean yield
- Loin drip loss
- Loin marbling score
- Loin pH
- Loin Minolta L reflectance
This data collection has enabled Genesus geneticists to accelerate superior carcass quality traits. Packers recognize Genesus Durocs Quality and Uniformity and this leads to our customers having hogs with market options and demand.
Structure – Over the last decade tens of thousands of Genesus Durocs have been tested annually on cement slats in a real life environment. The ability for Genesus Durocs to breed and produce offspring that perform in commercial facilities is well recognized in our industry and by our customers.
Health – All Genesus Duroc boars come from our Primary Nucleus Units. Genesus Duroc Boars health meets and exceeds industry standards. Our seven dedicated AI centers have excellent health and biosecurity.
Registered Purebred Durocs – Many genetic companies sell what they call Durocs. Genesus sells only Registered Purebred Durocs from 100% registered purebred herds. Genesus currently has the world’s largest Registered Purebred Herd. Last year Genesus registered 30% of all Purebred Breeding Stock in the nation. You can be confident you are getting a 100% Duroc boar with Genesus, verifiable by the official National Purebred Swine Registry.
All the genetic theories and protocols in the world are irrelevant if they do not translate into performance and profitability for our customers. In the last fiscal year Genesus Terminal Boar utilization increased 93% in our market area. Genesus investment in Genetic Development is delivering for our customers. Years of performance testing and genetic analysis in the world’s largest purebred Registered Herd is paying dividends in profitability. These are tough times and you have choices in your genetic sources, you owe it to yourself to make the right decisions. Genesus is the first option.