Hypor Presence Expands in Eastern Europe

EU - Hypor is pleased to announce that it has signed agreements in the Republics of Serbia and Croatia for the production and distribution of breeding pigs.
calendar icon 11 July 2008
clock icon 3 minute read

In Croatia, Dimar d.o.o received Hypor breeding pigs in December 2007 and the nucleus farm is already in full production. Dimar’s Managing Director, Mr. Dean Preradovic, said Hypor genetics and their tailor-made products will soon take a leadership role in modernizing the Croatian pork production industry. The Croatian pig production sector will undergo fundamental changes before EU access and high quality genetics will be needed for out-standing performance. The partnership between Hypor and Dimar will ensure local availability of the best high health genetics.

In Serbia, Hypor has signed an agreement with Krivaja d.o.o., a Serbian agricultural company, for the production and distribution of Hypor breeding pigs in the Serbian market. The company is located in the North West part of Serbia (Vojvodina) which is one of the best agricultural areas of Europe. A new nucleus farm will be built with a capacity of 325 sows that will produce (Great) Grand Parent gilts and F1 gilts for the local market. The location of the nucleus farm in a non-dense pig area will ensure the best high health genetics.

Ton Ten Dam, Hypor’s Regional Manager said Hypor is excited to work with such progressive partners in these growing markets and becoming a major player as the markets develop standards and prepare for EU access.

Hypor is the Pig Breeding Division of multi-species breeding company Hendrix Genetics headquartered in Boxmeer, the Netherlands. With a number of wholly owned operations and joint ventures across the world in 24 countries on 4 continents, it serves the world’s poultry and pork industry in more than 100 countries with about 1,000 employees.

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