Consultation on Revised Waste Exemptions

UK - Defra, the Welsh Assembly Government and the Environment Agency are undertaking a review of the waste exemptions from environmental permitting.
calendar icon 13 August 2008
clock icon 2 minute read

The aim of the review is to provide a more risk-based and proportionate approach to the regulation of waste recovery and disposal operations, complementing the new environmental permitting regime.

The consultation includes a number of proposed measures aimed at increasing the use of exemptions for as wide a range as possible of low risk activities (including most of those operating under an Environment Agency low risk position) whilst removing or restricting the availability of the exemptions for higher risk waste operations by seeking to regulate higher risk operations through one or more standard permits.

The consultation also seeks views on a partial impact assessment and a draft set of regulations.

The closing date for responses to this consultation is Thursday 23 October 2008.

Links to Consultation Documents

Consultee letter - click here
List of consultees - click here
Consultation document - click here
Partial Impact Assessment - click here
The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2009 SI - click here
Summary leaflet - click here

Links for Further Information

Recycling and waste - click here
Frequently Asked Questions regarding this consultation can be found on the Environment Agency’s website - click here
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