Czech Republic Pig Breeding Loses Self-Sufficiency
CZECH REPUBLIC - The Czech Republic is losing self-sufficiency in pig breeding which will lead to growth in pork imports in the coming years. This, it is felt, will have a negative impact on pork prices. * "Farmer prices of pigs have to be raised to stop the decline [in pig stocks] because if this continues, consumers will pay the price." |
Agricultural Chamber president Jan Veleba
According to Agricultural Chamber president Jan Veleba, pork producers now cover only 60 percent of domestic pork consumption and in a year or two, the share may drop to just 50 percent.
Pig stocks in the country decreased by 14 percent on the year which will have a large impact on grain producers as they will lack buyers. Processors will be affected as well, and employment will fall.
"It will have an impact on consumers. When we lose competitiveness, the price will be completely different," Veleba said.
The trend has lasted for over two years. The fall in pig stocks registered in the country in the second quarter of the year is the biggest of all EU countries, Veleba said.
"Farmer prices of pigs have to be raised to stop the decline [in pig stocks] because if this continues, consumers will pay the price," Veleba said.
According to the Chamber's data, since the start of the crisis, losses of pig breeders have got near Kc4.5bn.
However, retailers raised their margins by one third in the period, the Chamber said.
The deficit in Czech foreign trade in pork reached Kc4.98bn last year. As much as 130,000 tonnes of meat was imported last year, eight times more than in 2001.
Farmers claim that talks with the Agriculture Ministry have brought no results thus far.