NEW - Pig Journal Proceedings Supplement

UK - Since the decision to take The Pig Journal to being a fully refereed Journal, it was decided to continue with the publication of more informative or practical based articles in the new Proceedings Supplement.
calendar icon 4 August 2008
clock icon 3 minute read
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A number of the articles in the new supplement have come from the Pig Veterinary Society's meeting last November 2007, which was held jointly with the Society of Feed Technologists.

Papers included cover the project update of the new integrated website based Pig Herd Health Plan and also a comprehensive review Pig Welfare Work carried out by the new Animal Health agency in the UK.

With the sudden and massive increase in feed costs it was timely to have the meeting with the feed technologists.

There is an excellent paper on how to control feed costs from the feed mill point of view, another on the effects of variable growth on performance and a member's paper on methods to avoid feed wastage on the farm.

There is also an excellent member's paper on bench-marking breeding herd performance.

Price for the Proceedings Supplement (June, 2008) is £17.50.

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  1. Online via ThePigSite Bookshop
  2. Completing and faxing the Manual Order Form
  3. Contacting the Pig Journal Office direct (details below).
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  • The Secretary
    The Pig Journal
    VLA Thirsk
    West House
    Station Road
    YO7 1PZ, UK

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