Belarus Interested in Supplying Animal Products
RUSSIA - Between 18 August and 30 August, experts of Rosselkhoznadzor, in cooperation with the specialists of the Belarusian Veterinary Service, carried out inspections of 35 Belarusian meat-processing enterprises.As the experts reported, in the course of inspection, they revealed the current system's shortcomings of the state veterinary control over the manufacture of animal origin products.
The results of the inspection testify to the token approach of the Belarusian side in recommending the enterprises for approval for supplies to the Russian market and in guaranteeing constant monitoring of the enterprises by the Belarusian veterinary service, as well as full compliance with the Russian veterinary-sanitary requirements and standards.
In this respect, Rosselkhoznazor applied to the Chief Veterinary Directorate of Belarus with request to reconsider the list of Belarus enterprises supplying animal origin products to Russia in a short term, and to present the updated list of Belarus enterprises which fully meet the Russian veterinary-sanitary requirements and standards.
Since October 1st, Rosselkhoznadzor excludes the following enterprises which do not comply with the Russian veterinary-sanitary regulations, from the list of Belarus enterprises licensed for supply of animal origin products to Russia: “Starfood”, “Partner and K”, “Plemptitsereproductor “Yubileiny”, OAO “Grodnokhleboproduct” branch, and the branch of “Servoluks-Agro” SZAO “Servoluks”.
Apart from that, in the course of inspection at the establishments “Smolevichskaya broiler plant” and SPK “Progress-Vertlishki” experts revealed violations which prevented them from being included into the list of Belarus establishments approved for export to Russia.