QMS: Specially Selected Move for Sainsbury’s

UK - Supermarket consumers looking for truly Scottish pork products will have an easier time thanks to a new move by Sainsbury’s.
calendar icon 14 October 2008
clock icon 3 minute read

The supermarket is moving to Scottish pork, ham and bacon in their stores north of the border. It will be identifying the products with Quality Meat Scotland’s ‘Specially Selected’ brand which this year receives a £200,000 marketing boost.

"Use of the brand will allow the store to promote the fact these products are coming from farm assured origins. The new lines include dry cured smoked and un-smoked Scottish bacon as well as unsmoked middle and streaky categories."
Laurent Vernet, Head of Marketing at QMS

Laurent Vernet, Head of Marketing at QMS, said: “Sainsbury’s are working with their existing supplier Vion Halls to increase the number of Specially Selected Pork lines from Scotland.

“The store has also increased its Scottish bacon range, with Malcolm Allan and Simon Howie providing a new range clearly identified as Specially Selected Bacon from Scotland.

“Use of the brand will allow the store to promote the fact these products are coming from farm assured origins. The new lines include dry cured smoked and un-smoked Scottish bacon as well as unsmoked middle and streaky categories.”

The deli counter is also to receive increasing volumes of QMS assured products. This month, Browns Food Group, based in Dumfriesshire, will increase their range of products to feature Roast Scotch Beef topside, Roast Specially Selected Pork and Honey Roast Specially Selected Ham.

Assisting further processed products is seen as an important aspect of the marketing activities on behalf of the Specially Selected Pork brand. QMS will continue to work with buyers and suppliers to ensure product is clearly identified in-store.

Laurent said: “Support for Scotland’s farm assured pig products from such a major retailer is critical at this time, with recent research showing that the Scottish pig sector needs to increase its sow numbers to ensure future sustainability.”

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