CIRCOVAC for Sows and Piglets Approved in Mexico
MEXICO - It has been announced by Merial Mexico that on 21 October 2008, CIRCOVAC for Sows and Piglets received registration approval from the Mexican Secretary of Agriculture, Ranching, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food Supply, SAGARPA. This is the first registration in the world of a Porcine Circovirus type 2 (PCV2) vaccine for both Sows and PigletsCIRCOVAC™ for Sows and Piglets is an inactivated vaccine against Porcine Circovirus type 2 (PCV2) that has been registered in Mexico for administration to sows, gilts (2 ml/dose) and piglets (0.5 ml/dose). The approval in Mexico is the result of extensive PCV2 field and laboratory research on sows, gilts and piglets lead by Dr. Jesus Arias of Merial Mexico Regulatory Affairs and Production Animal team.
For over ten years Merial has been a world leader in the research of PCV2 disease as witnessed by its series of White Books and numerous other publications on porcine circovirus diseases presented at international scientific congresses and symposia.