Heated Competition Fuels Pig Market
AUSTRALIA - A continuation in strong pork and bacon demand fuelled animated and, at times, heated competition at the fortnightly Ballarat pig market last Wednesday - the third last pig sale for 2008.Stock & Land reports that with a slightly larger offering of 1144 head penned, more 31, prices for best quality gilts improved 3-5 cents a kilogram liveweight while values for entires rose on average 5-8c/kg lw.
Selling agent Crawford Dowling said best trade gilts made 330-340c/kg lw while trade “entires“ were priced between 320 and 330c/kg lw.
Many pens of trade heavy to medium weights were offered in the baconer penning, the agency said.
And, although more secondary pigs were included a couple of large consignments assisted to build the numbers required for a spirited sale.
Prime heavy bacon made $325-$355 a head, topping at $374 while prime medium weights fetched $30- $325.
Prime light bacon made $280-$300.
In the pork section full competition again maintain values at very firm rates to a fortnight ago. Pork sales were mostly made between 310 and 340 with most drafts realising sale averages of 335c/kg lw.
Super trade pork made $260-$285 while medium weights made $230-$260 and light pork, $210-$230.
Values in the backfatter yarding found some adjustments made on previous improved rates although quality also declined. Heavy sows made $360-$430 while medium sows fetched $25-$350.
Crawford Dowling said the market highlight – definitely - belonged to the 380 young pigs offered in the store market. These again received intense competition from the spit trade as best spit trade made $150-$176 while while grown store $120-$178.